VOL. 1, NO. 1 (WINTER 2022)
Getting to Know You
Dr. Eva Floyd, Journal Editor
Music by Women Journal
Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter 2022),
The Music by Women Journal is eager to present the first issue “Getting to Know You” (yes, we know you are humming the tune). In the first issue, our readers will get to know us, and in turn, we are presenting content that will help our readers get to know more women in the field of music along with their creative/artistic/pedagogical works.
Molly Murdock, co-creator of Music by Women (formerly Music Theory Examples by Women), speaks to the need for a journal dedicated to music by women in her introduction, "Introducing the Music by Women Journal."
Lillie Gardner helps us get acquainted with Florence Price’s pedagogical works for piano “Beginning Pieces, Volume I and II”. In her review, "Florence Price's Piano Teaching Music," Garnder describes these pieces as having exceptional versatility and appropriate for use with both children and adults.
Arris Golden introduces us to "Wind Band Composers You Should Know." Golden's article highlights the works of Erika Svanoe, Tara Islas, Elena Specht, and Valerie Coleman. Arris provides information about the composers, links to performances of their works, and links to the composers’ websites.
Jessica Steuver helps us get to know Satis Coleman, an innovative music educator working in the first half of the twentieth century, in her article, "Satis N. Coleman: Progressive Music Education's Unseen Foundation." Although Coleman was inducted into the Music Educators Hall of Fame, she is not well known in the profession.
Marcie Ray’s article "Sarah Kirkland Snider’s ‘Penelope’ and the Trauma of Coming Home from War" closes our first issue and introduces us to Penelope, a song cycle about the homecoming of a wounded combat veteran and reunion with his wife. Marcie’s writing beautifully connects our academic curiosities to our humanness, however, the content of the artistic material is heavy. I caution a trigger warning in the areas of PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, traumatic memories, survivor’s guilt, ambiguous loss, secret shame, and caregiver difficulties.

Introducing the Music by Women Journal – Molly Murdock
Florence Price’s Piano Teaching Music – Dr. Lillie Gardner
Wind Band Composers You Should Know – Dr. Arris Golden
Satis N. Coleman: Progressive Music Education’s Unseen Foundation – Jessica Steuver
Sarah Kirkland Snider’s Penelope and the Trauma of Coming Home from War – Marcie Ray
Journal Submissions
The Music by Women Journal celebrates music composed by women, women’s contributions to the music industry, and artistic pathways created by women.
We welcome all submissions.